About Us

College Leadership

Leadership at Ave Maria College is Christ centred and grounded in the Gospels and our Franciscan Tradition. We believe that by recognising the dignity of each person and creating the conditions that foster a strong sense of belonging and inclusion, staff and students can actively engage as a community of learners so that each person grows. It is through a Franciscan education that is personal, communal, transformative, engages the heart, develops servant leaders (Matt 20: 25-28) and pursues wisdom that we believe this can be achieved.

As stewards of this College, our leaders have an important responsibility to foster a culture of professional learning and growth, where expertise is developed and shared, creating the best conditions for all staff and students to flourish and thrive. Leaders at Ave Maria College have the capacity to articulate the College’s vision for the future, inspiring others to follow, while recognising that leadership is both complex and dynamic.

Leaders at Ave Maria College will (through the enactment of their leadership):

  • Be committed to their own personal, spiritual, and professional growth.
  • Enable and engage in the formation of self and others.
  • Embrace and enable a diverse and inclusive community.
  • Strive towards improvement, innovation, and change.
  • Enable the growth and progress of our students.
  • Be a steward of the College, facilitating responsible and sustainable resourcing.